我的PGWP上周刚过期,今天拿到学校的学校信想申请学签。 1. 这种情况下我应该不可以直接申请study permit restoration,对吧? 2. 那我是不是要先申请工签的restoration,同时申请study permit? 但是PGWP也没办法做restoration呀。不懂怎么操作。 3. 还是应该先申请Visitor record restoration,同时申请study permit? 我仔细看了一下移民局官网,他说只能restore成之前lost的那个status。 A foreign national can only apply to restore their status and authorization to one they held immediately prior to the loss of status. 那也就是说,我只能走option2. 但是我没办法restore PGWP,或者其他work permit,递交了也铁定被拒。那就说明option2 无法操作。。。 option 3, restore成VR可行吗?我确实有朋友这样做,成功过,也是PGWP过期restore成VR。但是按移民局的说法,restore成VR也不算restore their status and authorization to one they held immediately prior to the loss of status吧? 所以都走不通的话,是不是我必须回国递交这个学签申请呢? 搞不懂,好复杂!回复:
如果您人在加拿大境内, 直接申请 Restore as Study Permit, 便可以了。回复:
如果您人在加拿大境内, 直接申请 Restore as Study Permit, 便可以了。回复:
Restoration 一般只是多交 费用而已。回复:
引用Lisa 于 2024/01/03 21:37:49 的发布 如果您人在加拿大境内, 直接申请 Restore as Study Permit, 便可以了。 谢谢Lisa 大神。 我本来就是这样理解的,都准备递交了。然后我想还是看看IRCC官网怎么说的。 我看IRCC是这么说的: Workers A temporary resident who held a work permit and lost their status can apply in Canada for restoration of their temporary resident status and authorization to work within 90 days of having lost their status. In addition to applying for restoration and a new work permit, they may also apply for a study permit, and pay the fees, if they meet the requirements for study permit issuance. The study permit will only be assessed after the work permit and restoration applications are approved. 就是说我必须先提交work permit restoration,然后获批后才能审批我的学签。 所以我感觉我可能不符合直接递交SP restoration的要求。回复:
过期90天内, 直接申请 Restore as Study Permit, 便可以了。回复:
反问你, 您凭什么理由, 申请 或 提交 work permit restoration???回复:
如果您符合 work permit restoration 的条件, 估计, 您也不用申请学签了。 是吗?