The Space Engineering is a one-year program at California Institute of Technology – Caltech that provides advanced training in the areas of aeronautics or space engineering beyond that covered in a four year undergraduate program.
The Physics program at California Institute of Technology – Caltech prepares students for careers in scientific research or research combined with teaching, and so its most important part is independent research.
The Neurobiology program at California Institute of Technology – Caltech studies a highly integrative science. The modern neurobiologist must be conversant with concepts from molecular biology, cell and developmental biology, systems neuroscience, animal behavior, and mathematical modeling.
The Computation and Neural Systems program at California Institute of Technology – Caltech provides an integrated approach to graduate study combining computation and neural systems is organized jointly by the Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, the Division of Engineering and Applied Science, and the Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The Biology program at California Institute of Technology – Caltech provides each student with the opportunity to pioneer cutting-edge research and to take advanced major and cross-disciplinary course work, providing well-rounded and integrated training in biology, along with specialized instruction in areas of particular interest.
The Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics program at California Institute of Technology – Caltech has been established as an interdisciplinary program at the interface of biology, chemistry, and physics that seeks to understand the chemistry of life.
The Astrophysics program at California Institute of Technology – Caltech is contingent upon an extensive research achievement. Students in the program are expected to join a research program, and carry out independent research leading to publications in peer-reviewed journals, as well as a thesis.
Like all graduate programs at California Institute of Technology – Caltech, the program in Mechanical Engineering is small, highly selective, and research oriented. Admission is preferentially granted to applicants who ultimately intend to pursue the Ph.D. degree.
The Materials Science program at California Institute of Technology – Caltech is designed to give students an understanding of general phenomena in synthesis–structure–property relationships in all materials, plus a detailed understanding of phenomena for at least one particular class of materials.